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Scorpio Tiger and Scorpio Horse

Shared firstwest energy provides a trustworthy common outlook here, and any risk of overfamiliarity is likely to be kept in check by the usually rock-solid alliance between the firsteast and secondeast.

Western Zodiac sign, Scorpio
Western Zodiac sign, Scorpio

Western Zodiac

Scorpio and Scorpio

Compatibility overview

A match between Scorpios brings together two of the most intense signs in the Western zodiac. To be sure, in some respects the result may be overwhelming, for all own-sign combinations have too much energy in some areas and a lack of balance in others. Yet these two also offer each other a safe space, a freedom to explore each other's extraordinary emotional depth and power, which can yield a deeply meaningful and lasting relationship.

Scorpio and Scorpio - Relationship Horoscope

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By definition, a match between two natives of the same Western zodiac sign involves a shared element. For two Scorpios, that element is Water, the most emotionally-attuned and sensitive element of all. Hence, while there could be some initial provocation given Scorpio's well-earned reputation for larger-than-life provocations, chances are that before long these two will recognize each other as kindred spirits.

The bedrock of shared values between two Scorpios is typically based on acknowledging the full spectrum of existence—the highest of highs, the lowest of lows. Creative instincts tend to be especially strong for this sign, and two Scorpios together will instinctively appreciate the vital importance of expressing their individuality and power through creative means. Expect every combined project to capture the same devotion as if they knew it were their last. Also, there is probably no other sign as consistently hilarious as Scorpio. This sign typically appreciates from birth that the absurd tragedies and wonders of existence are rarely so aptly conveyed as with pure comedy. Thus two Scorpios together tend not only to offer each other precious inspiration and encouragement, but to contribute uproarious laughter into the bargain.

Inevitably, own-sign combinations must at some point deal with having a superabundance of certain energy, and a lack of contrary balancing forces. At times in their lives, Scorpios will almost inevitably find themselves plumbing heart-rending depths of despair. Often, one Scorpio will provide invaluable solace to another, but if their dark periods intersect, it may be a struggle to reach out and help the other. There is also the possibility of competition or jealousy. The Fixed modality of Scorpio emphasizes realization, the translation of their sixth sense for abstract emotive concepts into tangible expression. Should the visions of two Scorpios diverge, power struggles would not be unexpected, and both sides will resist backing down with potentially extraordinary conviction.

On balance, given the whirlwind-like qualities of this match, it may be a challenge to cherish the supportive aspects while living too much in each other's pockets. Stability in the form of sporadic bursts of rewarding intensity may suit many Scorpio/Scorpio pairings best. But Scorpio is nothing if not emotionally sophisticated, and whether in small or large doses, this can be a wonderfully inspiring and transformational relationship.

Celebrity Scorpio/Scorpio Pairings*

*Click on the names to see both Western and Chinese zodiac matches for that pairing.

Whoopi Goldberg and Mike Nichols
Whoopi Goldberg and Mike Nichols (click for attribution/s)

Whoopi Goldberg (11/13/1955, Scorpio Sheep), Mike Nichols (11/6/1931, Scorpio Sheep) : Actor/comedian/media personality Goldberg and actor/comedian/film-maker Nichols shared a longstanding and supportive friendship. Nichols was credited with discovering Goldberg, after he helped to produce her one woman show (originally titled, "The Spook Show") on Broadway in the mid-1980s. Nichols described to Goldberg in a 2012 interview: "I wanted to meet you and I went backstage and, this had never happened to me before or since, you opened the door and I burst into tears and we fell into each other's arms." Goldberg said, "I can come to you and say, ‘What the hell is going on? Why is my career in such a weird place?’ And you’ll say, ‘Because that’s what our business is. You will always have weird places.’ And every time I talk to you about it, I get it. I get it more. … It calms me down."

Leonardo DiCaprio (11/11/1974, Scorpio Tiger), Martin Scorsese (11/17/1942, Scorpio Horse) : Director Scorsese and actor DiCaprio have shared one of the most celebrated collaborations in movie history. Their five feature films together—Gangs of New York (2002), The Aviator (2004), The Departed (2006), Shutter Island (2010), and The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)—have been nominated for a combined 31 Academy Awards, and have grossed over US$1.3 billion. In 2014, DiCaprio described: "It’s interesting, because I have been doing this since I was 13. I am almost about to turn 40, and I am looking back at some of the stuff I’ve gotten to do, and at the center of it is this amazing accidental collaboration that I’ve gotten to have with Marty...It’s hard for me to quite articulate or put into words everything that I’ve learned from him. These key moments, they’re hard to even reflect on because you sort of have to take a breather and look back and realize how much you’ve actually learned. I’ve grown tremendously as an actor just to be in those moments with him, where he’s giving me the right guidance."

Nick Lachey and Vanessa Lachey
Nick Lachey and Vanessa Lachey (click for attribution/s)

Nick Lachey (11/9/1973, Scorpio Ox), Vanessa Lachey (11/9/1980, Scorpio Monkey) : Actor/model/media personality Vanessa Lachey (née Minnillo) and singer/media personality Nick Lachey have been together since 2006. They married in 2011, and have three children. Describing a short break-up in 2009, Vanessa said in 2022, "We dated for five years. So I finally said, 'What are we doing?' I have now moved in with him, I renovated his entire bachelor pad, there was a bar in the pool. I'm like, 'Whatever you want!' Now I'm like, 'Okay, well, I want to put kids in the pool.'" Vanessa posted to Nick in 2022: "Happy Father’s Day to our GOAT! You are the only one who can constantly make all our babies laugh uncontrollably! You have literally sacrificed everything to be there 100% for them so I can follow a dream (you didn’t even blink an eye). AND you still look hot as hell & dress like a college kid! Man, I’m a lucky Mama! We Love YOU!"

Stacey Weitzman (11/15/1947, Scorpio Pig), Henry Winkler (10/30/1945, Scorpio Rooster) : The two actors have been married since 1978. They have two children, and Winkler is stepfather to Weitzman's child from a previous marriage. Weitzman described in 2019: "The most wonderful thing is to really be able to grow with someone. We’re not the same people we are when we got married. But certain of the tenets you hold dear are still intact...It does take work. There are glitches in the road, and you get a little off kilter, but if you have the ability and the stick-to-itiveness based on love, then your friendship and your relationship only gets better."

Sam Rockwell and Leslie Bibb
Sam Rockwell and Leslie Bibb (click for attribution/s)

Leslie Bibb (11/17/1974, Scorpio Tiger), Sam Rockwell (11/5/1968, Scorpio Monkey) : The two actors have been in a relationship since 2007. They worked together in the films, Iron Man 2 (2010), and Don Verdean (2015). In 2018, after Rockwell won a Golden Globe for Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2018), Bibb posted: "[A]bout last night...so proud of you, my beloved, you are the greatest in everything...i am so grateful i got to see that explosion last night...set it all on fire...you’re a force and i love you...and you are kind and generous and the real f— deal."

Diego Maradona and Pelé
Diego Maradona and Pelé (click for attribution/s)

Diego Maradona (10/30/1960, Scorpio Rat), Pelé (10/23/1940, Scorpio Dragon) : The two soccer players shared a close bond, being generally acknowledged as the two greatest of all time. Pelé wrote after Maradona died in 2020: "Many people loved to compare us all their lives. You were a genius that enchanted the world. A magician with the ball at his feet. A true legend. But above all that, for me, you will always be a great friend, with an even bigger heart. Today, I know that the world would be much better if we could compare each other less and start admiring each other more. So, I want to say that you are incomparable...I love you, Diego. My great friend, thank you very much for our entire journey. One day, in heaven, we will play together on the same team. And it will be the first time that I raise my fist in the air in triumph on the pitch without celebrating a goal. It will be because I can finally embrace you again."

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Chinese Zodiac sign, the Tiger
Chinese Zodiac sign, the Horse

Chinese Zodiac

Tiger and Horse

Compatibility overview

This is one of the most harmonious and dependable matches in the entire Chinese zodiac. The firsteast and secondeast share fundamental values, for both are highly motivated yet determined not to compromise their sense of honor and allegiance to others. Whatever the context, this relationship offers a brilliant mix of thrills, security, and impact.

Tiger and Horse - Relationship Horoscope

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The Horse and Tiger pairing is a truly wonderful energy match, attracting both inspirational and profoundly stabilising energy in the Chinese zodiac.

The central concept underlying Chinese astrology is the four Trine Families. One of these families includes the Horse and Tiger (with their kindred spirit, the Dog). This family is bound together by spirited, righteous energy. They are driven to succeed, and willing to make all kinds of sacrifices to achieve their goals, yet they also aspire to noble values of egalitarianism and service to others. Early contacts between the Horse and Tiger thus often represent a true meeting of minds. Horse natives are rarely shy about putting their prodigious talents on show—their pioneering brand of razzle-dazzle will likely captivate the Tiger from first sight. Even quieter Tiger souls have a commanding presence, and their noble pronouncements tend to immediately impress and attract the freewheeling Horse.

As these two get to know each other better, the real magic can potentially take hold. The Horse and Tiger are each defined by an essential inner contradiction. They are dyed-in-the-wool independents, reluctant to defer to anyone else's vision or authority, yet they also feel forever incomplete without a trusted partner or inner circle. The great compatibility between the Horse and Tiger means that somehow their respective needs for autonomy bring them together instead of wedging them apart. These two can comfortably spend time at a distance, or intensely challenge or confront one another, and the connection between them will only grow stronger as a result. Indeed, as is typical for Trine Family matches like this one, it is the evergreen nature of this combination that sometimes represents its greatest risk. For this kind of precious connection can sometimes seem too natural, too effortless, to be worthy of total commitment.

If the Horse and Tiger trust and invest in the power of their shared energy, then whatever the context, their relationship can be a once-in-a-lifetime source of belonging, adventure, and potency.

Celebrity Tiger/Horse Pairings*

*Click on the names to see both Western and Chinese zodiac matches for that pairing.

Salma Hayek and François-Henri Pinault
Salma Hayek and François-Henri Pinault (click for attribution/s)

François-Henri Pinault (5/28/1962, Gemini Tiger), Salma Hayek (9/2/1966, Virgo Horse) : The actor and business entrepreneur had a daughter together in 2007 and have been married since 2009. In 2021, Hayek was quoted as saying, "When there is conflict, we put all the energy in solving the problem - never finding who to blame or 'You should have done this or that.' No, all our energy goes into: 'How do we solve this?'"

Pauletta Washington (9/28/1950, Libra Tiger), Denzel Washington (12/28/1954, Capricorn Horse) : Married since 1983, the Washingtons have four children together. Denzel Washington has described: "The difference between a house and a home, it’s a big difference. You can buy a house, but that doesn’t make it a home—and not to say a man can’t make a home a home, but my wife has made our house a home, and raised these beautiful kids, and protected them and sacrificed for them. She did the heavy lifting."

Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner
Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner (click for attribution/s)

Christine Baumgartner (3/4/1974, Pisces Tiger), Kevin Costner (1/18/1955, Capricorn Horse) : The actor and model/designer were together from around 2000 until Baumgartner surprised many by filing for divorce in 2023. They married in 2004 and have three children. Costner said in 2018, "Fear kept me from marrying Christine. I woke up and thought, Am I going to lose a beautiful woman who is willing to be with me to my very last breath because I am afraid to say yes to a child? That’s all it took. Sometimes you learn the thing you’re most afraid of will save your life."

Rande Gerber (4/27/1962, Taurus Tiger), Cindy Crawford (2/20/1966, Pisces Horse) : The supermodel and business entrepreneur have been married since 1998 and have two children together. Gerber has said about the relationship, "We started as friends and we remained friends. You have to just keep that friendship and fun in the relationship."

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson (click for attribution/s)

Robert Pattinson (5/13/1986, Taurus Tiger), Kristen Stewart (4/9/1990, Aries Horse) : The two actors became household names as stars of the Twilight film series. They dated between around 2009 to 2013, and for a time were one of the most famous celebrity couples in the world. Stewart continues to speak positively about Pattinson and their relationship. She has described: "When me and Rob were together, we did not have an example to go by. So much was taken from us that, in trying to control one aspect, we were just like, 'No, we will never talk about it. Never. Because it’s ours.'"

Jackie Sandler(9/24/1974, Libra Tiger), Adam Sandler (9/9/1966, Virgo Horse) : The two actors have been married since 2003 and have two daughters together. About his critically-acclaimed performance in the film Uncut Gems (2019), Adam Sandler said: "My badass wife, she gave me the balls to take the part. I was scared and she said, 'Go [expletive] do that and you can do that [expletive]' and we rehearsed together all the time."

Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder
Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder (click for attribution/s)

Stevie Wonder (5/13/1950, Taurus Tiger), Aretha Franklin (3/25/1942, Aries Horse) : The two celebrated musicians shared a longtime close friendship. After Franklin died in 2018, Wonder described visiting during her final days: "[Franklin] wasn't able to speak back, but her family felt that she could hear me, and so I just said all the things that I've always said and told her to say hello to my sister [Renee Hardaway] that I lost this year as well...She was just consistently a great human being, and she always — even with whatever turmoil may have been happening in her life, even through her illness — she did not put that on anybody else. She believed, I think that most of all she was doing God's work, and she was. She brought joy to others' lives, and she will — her voice and the essence of her will long [out]live all of us that are here right now."

Kirstie Alley (1/12/1951, Capricorn Tiger), John Travolta (2/18/1954, Aquarius Horse) : The two actors starred memorably in the Look Who's Talking films and formed a close friendship. Alley described later: "I almost ran off and married John. I did love him, I still love him. If I hadn’t been married I would’ve gone and married him and I would’ve been in an airplane because he has his own plane…He's a very generous person. He's very interested. If you ever talk to John, and this is genuine with him, you will become the most interesting thing that he's ever met in his life."

Combined Relationship Horoscope

Final Words

Own-sign combinations such as firstwest and secondwest have the great blessing of a shared element in their favor. There can be a surplus of common energy, though, which sometimes compromises excitement and or impedes progress. Happily, in this match the Chinese zodiac pairing of firsteast and secondeast contributes a wealth of benefits, including not only thrills and mutual advancement, but also any-kind-of-weather dependability. In all, this is a special match, likely to prove a gift in any context.

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