horizon astrology banner image with composite nebula formations

Chinese Zodiac
The Tiger

Chinese Zodiac sign, the Tiger

About the Tiger

Born in the third year of the Eastern zodiac, Tiger souls tend to be dignified and courageous from birth. In many respects, their nature reflects the majestic reputation of their namesake animal. While they can be effective leaders in a group context, they tend to be no less impactful alone. Whatever their situation, a Tiger's powerful self-belief and independent spirit make them fearless in pursuit of justice and innovation. To be sure, Tigers are sometimes rightly accused of volatility. They can be vicious when they think others need cutting down to size, and may charge headlong into more risks than is good for them. These are no "shrinking violets" or "yes people"! This sign can also find it hard to strike a healthy balance between periods of frantic activity and sloth. But it is in their nobility and devotion to others that the true worth of the Tiger reveals itself. For beneath their usually impressive skills, visual appeal, and high-minded ambitions, there lies a deeply caring soul, capable of legendary honour and self-sacrifice.

Tiger Celebrities*

*Click on the name to go to the Wikipedia entry for that celebrity.

This is a random selection of celebrities born in the year of the Tiger. Refresh the page to see another random selection!

Tom Cruise
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Tom Cruise (07/03/1962)
Sir Richard Branson
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Sir Richard Branson (07/18/1950)
Penélope Cruz
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Penélope Cruz (04/28/1974)
Jennifer Egan
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Jennifer Egan (09/07/1962)
Diamond White
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Diamond White (01/01/1999)

Compatibility and the Tiger

On the Chinese zodiac side, the most traditionally compatible signs for the Tiger are the other signs in their Trine Family, the Dog and Horse. The Tiger also shares a revered Soulmate with the Pig, and very fortunate energy with the other members of the Pig's' Trine Family, the Rabbit and Sheep. The Trine energy matrix also favors relationships between the Tiger and others born under the same sign.

two penguins against background of starry sky

Soulmate Match

Tiger and Pig
two birds nestled together against background of starry sky

Secondary Trine Matches

Tiger and Rabbit Tiger and Sheep
bird and reflection in water merging into background of starry sky

Own-Sign Match

Tiger and Tiger

In the middle ground, with plenty of potential but some reticence, are signs from the Trine Families that the Tiger does not share a direct connection with. These include the Ox and Rooster, and the Dragon and Rat. The Chinese zodiac makes some harsh judgements about unfavorable energy connections. For the Tiger, these are their Opposition sign, the Monkey, and their Adversary, the Snake.

easter island figures against background of starry sky

Tertiary Trine Matches 1

Tiger and Ox Tiger and Rooster
kittens playing against background of starry sky

Tertiary Trine Matches 2

Tiger and Dragon Tiger and Rat
Sullen woman statue with roses on lap with decorative starry background

Opposition and Adversary

Tiger and Monkey Tiger and Snake

Explore More Tiger Relationships, News, and More...

Statue of a couple with male showing affection to a possible reluctant female with a decorative starry background

Tiger - Relationship Horoscopes

Match the Tiger with any sign from the Chinese zodiac.

Statue of two young men from a Vietnam war memorial with background of starry sky

Best and Worst Matches for the Tiger

Explore the Golden Nine and Challenging Four combinations of the Tiger with Western zodiac signs.

Statue of man reading newspaper on park bench with decorative starry background

Tiger Celebrities in the News

Read the latest news about celebrities born in the year of the Tiger .