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Scorpio Rabbit and Aquarius Dragon

It may appear to be something of an energy minefield, but there is real potential here—provided the famously disagreeable combination of firstwest and secondwest fulfills its potential for life-changing personal growth, and the precarious firsteast and secondeast match is carefully controlled.

Western Zodiac sign, Scorpio
Western Zodiac sign, Aquarius

Western Zodiac

Scorpio and Aquarius

Compatibility overview

There will rarely be a dull moment when firstwest and secondwest get together. Few combinations in the Western zodiac can match the intensity and drama of this one. Typically, there will be challenges and confrontations aplenty between these two. But there can also be fantastic personal growth on both sides, offering excitement and fulfilment.

Scorpio and Aquarius - Relationship Horoscope

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Square matches like that between Aquarius and Scorpio bring explosive, confrontational energy. Even small and unimportant issues can produce heated debate. Serious matters could see these two duelling at dawn!

This potential for tension is due in part to the respective elements. The Air of Aquarius is associated with thinking and ideas, where the Water sign Scorpio operates more in the realm of feeling and sensation. Aquarians are generally accepting of everyone, but the intense emotional life of Scorpio may at times be overbearing and leave them needing a break. Scorpio, by contrast, will likely struggle with Aquarius' customary optimism and sometimes unorthodox behaviour, which to Scorpio may seem jarringly flippant or superficial. What's more, these are both Fixed modality signs, meaning they can each—albeit in markedly different ways—be resolute about getting their own way. Butting heads is an apt analogy, for when these two disagree, neither will want to back down, ever.

The friction attached to this pairing does have plenty of upside, however. For one thing, these two will almost certainly get each other's attention. Sexual chemistry and flirtatiousness are common, especially early in a relationship. In any context, the blend of confusion and curiosity between these signs tends to attract rather than repel. More importantly in the long term, this combination strongly favours maturing and growth. The tension here, sometimes playful, sometimes more serious, will help both parties recognize which core aspects of themselves are working and which must be abandoned for their own good. The result can be a powerful bond indeed.

It is true that, at times, the wisdom bestowed by this energy match may be most gratefully experienced in other relationships. However, many Aquarius/Scorpio matches are able to harness the benefits between themselves to form a sustained and powerfully nourishing alliance.

Celebrity Scorpio/Aquarius Pairings*

*Click on the names to see both Western and Chinese zodiac matches for that pairing.

Sally Field and Burt Reynolds
Sally Field and Burt Reynolds (click for attribution/s)

Sally Field (11/6/1946, Scorpio Dog), Burt Reynolds (2/11/1936, Aquarius Rat) : The two actors starred together in Smokey and the Bandit in 1977. Later, Reynolds described Field as "the love of my life" and said, "I don’t know why I was so stupid...You find the perfect person, and then you do everything you can to screw it up." In an emotional statement after Reynolds died in 2018, Field stated, "My years with Burt never leave my mind. He will be in my history and my heart, for as long as I live. Rest, Buddy."

Julia Roberts (10/28/1967, Scorpio Sheep), Daniel Moroder (1/31/1969, Aquarius Monkey) : The actor and cinematographer have been married since 2002. At the time they met, around 2000, both were involved with other people. Roberts has explained, "He sorted his whole thing out, separate and apart from me. And I sorted my life out, separate and apart from him. I think that’s the only reason we were able to ultimately fall in love with each other and be together."

Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore
Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore (click for attribution/s)

Demi Moore (11/11/1962, Scorpio Tiger), Ashton Kutcher (2/7/1978, Aquarius Horse) : The two actors were married from 2005 to 2013 and for a time were one of the most famous celebrity couples in the world. Moore, who is 15 years older than Kutcher, has described, "When I met Ashton, it almost felt like a do-over, like I could just go back in time and experience what it was like to be young with him- much more so than I’d ever been able to experience it when I was actually in my 20s."

John Cleese (10/27/1939, Scorpio Rabbit), Camilla Cleese (1/24/1984, Aquarius Pig) : The father and daughter comedians announced in 2022 that they would be developing together a reboot of John Cleese's celebrated Fawlty Towers TV Show. Camilla Cleese had previously described how problems in her personal life led to a period of estrangement between them: "I think it was more just his approach of, 'You don’t have the privilege of being in our family until you straighten up your act.' But there was always a lot of love there, I don’t think it was out of spite or anything. It was what he felt would be most helpful for me – and it worked. It’s always hard because I was in a pretty bad place, but we made amends after. We’re closer than ever."

RuPaul (11/17/1960, Scorpio Rat), Georges LeBar (1/24/1973, Aquarius Rat) : The performer and author/artist have been together for over 20 years and married in 2017. RuPaul has said about LeBar, "He and I know that on this planet where there are millions and millions of people, the person I have found on this planet that I like the very most is him. And I know that for him the person he loves the most on this planet is me. I know that, there's no doubt in my mind."

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Chinese Zodiac sign, the Rabbit
Chinese Zodiac sign, the Dragon

Chinese Zodiac

Rabbit and Dragon

Compatibility overview

The Chinese zodiac—with its emphasis on year-long rather than month-long time intervals—is known for not pulling punches. This is especially true for the so-called Adversary matches, which include the firsteast and secondeast. There is some deeply troublesome energy here, and clashes or brooding disquiet may be difficult to avoid.

Rabbit and Dragon - Relationship Horoscope

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Read more about the SCORPIO RABBIT and AQUARIUS DRAGON combined zodiac signs...

This is a case of conflicting styles, if ever there was one. Where the Rabbit is celebrated for their usually impeccable manners and peaceful disposition, the Dragon inspires through audacious intensity. Mixing the two together has the potential to bring out the worst in both.

In this combination, the Rabbit may become evasive, stressed, or fawning. The Dragon can be nasty, cruel, or obnoxious. The uniquely problematic nature of Adversary matches like this one arises in part because the energy is more ambiguous than direct. Rather than building to a head-on confrontation, the tension here is more likely to fester. These two tend to alternate uncomfortably between secretiveness and bluntness, doting and betrayal, reticence and attention-seeking. The quicksand quality to interactions between these two is a particular danger, meaning that even attempts at conciliation often wind up simply making matters worse.

In short, this energy combination can be a challenge for the parties themselves and those around them. Successful examples of this match will need strong counterbalancing energy on the Western side, or an admirable commitment to self-knowledge and conflict resolution.

Celebrity Rabbit/Dragon Pairings*

*Click on the names to see both Western and Chinese zodiac matches for that pairing.

Vladimir Putin and Mikhail Khodorkovsky
Vladimir Putin and Mikhail Khodorkovsky (click for attribution/s)

Mikhail Khodorkovsky (6/26/1963, Cancer Rabbit), Vladimir Putin (10/7/1952, Libra Dragon) : The exiled businessman, once reputedly the richest individual in Russia, has had one of the most famous political feuds in history with the Russian President. Commentator Masha Gessen wrote in 2012, "At the root of the conflict between Putin and Khodorkovsky lies a basic difference in character. Putin rarely says what he means and even less frequently trusts that others are saying what they mean. Khodorkovsky, in contrast, seems to have always taken himself and others at face value."

50 Cent (7/6/1975, Cancer Rabbit), Ja Rule (2/29/1976, Pisces Dragon) : A feud between the two rappers has been described as one of the longest-running in Hip-Hop history. In 2018, 50 Cent claimed to have bought the first 200 tickets at a Ja Rule concert, so there would be empty seats in the front row.

Al Pacino and Beverly D'Angelo
Al Pacino and Beverly D'Angelo (click for attribution/s)

Beverly D'Angelo (11/15/1951, Scorpio Rabbit), Al Pacino (4/25/1940, Taurus Dragon) : The two actors were in a relationship from the late 1990s until 2003, and D'Angelo gave birth to twins in 2001. D'Angelo described: "I got pregnant at 48, delivered six weeks after I was 49, and by 51, I was looking at a landscape as a single parent." An acrimonious custody dispute followed. More recently, however, D'Angelo has said positively: "You have to accept differences and all the things that led to a break-up in a way that allows you to move forward. And out of my support system and people I know and love, I’ve created [in Pacino] the ideal (parenting) partner."

Quentin Tarantino (3/27/1963, Aries Rabbit), Harvey Weinstein (3/19/1952, Pisces Dragon) : The director and producer were longtime collaborators before Weinstein's imprisonment as a sex offender. In the wake of the allegations against Weinstein, Tarantino said: "There was more to it than just the normal rumors, the normal gossip. It wasn’t secondhand. I knew he did a couple of these things. I wish I had taken responsibility for what I heard. If I had done the work I should have done then, I would have had to not work with him."

Sarah and Todd Palin
Sarah and Todd Palin (click for attribution/s)

Sarah Palin (2/11/1964, Aquarius Rabbit), Todd Palin (9/6/1964, Virgo Dragon) : The US politician (including 2008 Republican nominee for Vice President) and oil field production operator were married for 30 years until 2020 and had five children together. Despite years of tabloid speculation, the marriage appeared strong until Todd Palin reportedly filed for divorce on his 55th birthday in 2019, citing "incompatibility of temperament". Sarah Palin learnt of the divorce filing in an email she received a week after their 31st wedding anniversary. She later described: "It's not easy to talk about. It was devastating. I thought I got shot."

Johnny Depp (6/9/1963, Gemini Rabbit), Sherilyn Fenn (2/1/1965, Aquarius Dragon) : The two actors dated for two and a half years before either found fame. Fenn has indicated on Instagram that she thinks fondly of her relationship with Depp, but the two do not keep in contact: "Simply the very first love of my life...After so many years it would be fun to talk. Yet, memories are enough as well."

George Orwell (6/25/1903, Cancer Rabbit), Graham Greene (10/2/1904, Libra Dragon) : The two authors were contemporaries writing in postwar Britain. Orwell's review of Greene's novel The Heart of the Matter has become an archetype of scathing criticism. Orwell writes, "I have not parodied the plot of the book. Even when dressed up in realistic details, it is just as ridiculous as I have indicated..."

Combined Relationship Horoscope

Final Words

The Square energy between firstwest and secondwest is perhaps as contrary as any in the Western zodiac. However, while it may sometimes feel as if there is nothing these two cannot disagree about, their disputations can yield great positives, offering rare insight into their individual identities, and producing lifelong benefits. In this case, the greater challenge may be navigating the disturbing energy of the firsteast and secondeast, one of the Chinese zodiac’s most notorious combinations. Clear communication, independent roles in the relationship, and encouraging sensitivity wherever possible may be important for these two, if they are to maximize the available prospects for successful collaboration and affection.

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