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Western Zodiac

Western Zodiac sign, Aquarius

About Aquarius

Aquarians are the septuagenarians of the Western zodiac, the second-oldest souls behind Pisces. By this time, everyday pressures of human society have become less important, and there is an increasing receptiveness to the eternal, the afterlife. Hence Aquarians possess great generosity of spirit. They find it easy to accept both individuals and humanity as a whole, virtues and flaws in balance. All three Air signs are naturally drawn to intellectual concerns, and for the Fixed modality of Aquarius, this involves a deep commitment to wisdom, a persevering desire to seek out universal truths. Science, technology, reason—such cerebral subjects provide Aquarians with endless fascination. Perhaps because of their old souls, Aquarians are famously non-conformist and unpredictable, traits regarded as synonymous with their ruling planet, Uranus. Any role that demands routine drudgery is likely to throw them off-balance. Being so accepting themselves, Aquarians may also struggle with rejection. Their fury, while usually short-lived, can be stunningly fierce, or lead to ghostly absences. Ultimately, however, this is one of the most consistently cheerful, irrepressible signs, their wisdom and endless sympathy among the most precious gifts in the zodiac.

Aquarius Celebrities*

*Click on the name to go to the Wikipedia entry for that celebrity.

This is a random selection of celebrities born in the year of the Aquarius. Refresh the page to see another random selection!

Ellen DeGeneres
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Ellen DeGeneres (01/26/1958)
Adam Lambert
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Adam Lambert (01/29/1982)
The Weeknd
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The Weeknd (02/16/1990)
Jennifer Aniston
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Jennifer Aniston (02/11/1969)
John Travolta
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John Travolta (02/18/1954)

Compatibility and Aquarius

On the Western zodiac side, the most traditionally compatible signs for Aquarius are the harmonious Trine signs, Gemini and Libra, and the transformational Opposite sign, Leo. Aquarius also shares lovely, relaxed energy with the Sextile signs of Aries and Sagittarius. Check out the details and some examples of these matches at the links below.

Perhaps less obvious, but with plenty of potential, are the signs Aquarius shares a minor aspect with—the semi-Sextile connections of Pisces and Capricorn, and the Quincunx connections of Cancer and Virgo—and of course, kindred natives of Aquarius. Finally, there are the Square matches of Taurus and Scorpio, which can be more challenging but equally rewarding.

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Aquarius Celebrities in the News

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