horizon astrology banner image with composite nebula formations

Chinese Zodiac
The Rabbit

Chinese Zodiac sign, the Rabbit

About the Rabbit

Fourth in the sequence of the Eastern zodiac is the quintessential aesthete, the Rabbit. Equally at home in abstract and material realms, the Rabbit is a born creative, their commitment to beauty and truth matched by their artist's eye and surgeon's dexterity. They are well known for their achievements in high arts, but are just as capable of working their magic in sports or business. Central to the Rabbit's identity is their peaceable, idealistic outlook. While they can be relied on for wise counsel and tactful diplomacy when relaxed, the great sensitivity of Rabbit natives means they have little stamina for drama or pressure. They will tend to withdraw or escape rather than suffer upheaval or confrontation. In a comfortable setting, however, the sensuality and virtue of the Rabbit is one of the Eastern zodiac's great treasures.

Rabbit Celebrities*

*Click on the name to go to the Wikipedia entry for that celebrity.

This is a random selection of celebrities born in the year of the Rabbit. Refresh the page to see another random selection!

Wiz Khalifa
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Wiz Khalifa (09/08/1987)
Christina Hendricks
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Christina Hendricks (05/03/1975)
Marcus Mumford
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Marcus Mumford (01/31/1987)
Andy Murray
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Andy Murray (05/15/1987)
Whitney Houston
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Whitney Houston (08/09/1963)

Compatibility and the Rabbit

On the Chinese zodiac side, the most traditionally compatible signs for the Rabbit are the other signs in their Trine Family, the Pig and Sheep. The Rabbit also shares a revered Soulmate with the Dog, and very fortunate energy with the other members of the Dog's' Trine Family, the Horse and Tiger. The Trine energy matrix also favors relationships between the Rabbit and others born under the same sign.

two penguins against background of starry sky

Soulmate Match

Rabbit and Dog
two birds nestled together against background of starry sky

Secondary Trine Matches

Rabbit and Horse Rabbit and Tiger
bird and reflection in water merging into background of starry sky

Own-Sign Match

Rabbit and Rabbit

In the middle ground, with plenty of potential but some reticence, are signs from the Trine Families that the Rabbit does not share a direct connection with. These include the Monkey and Rat, and the Ox and Snake. The Chinese zodiac makes some harsh judgements about unfavorable energy connections. For the Rabbit, these are their Opposition sign, the Rooster, and their Adversary, the Dragon.

easter island figures against background of starry sky

Tertiary Trine Matches 1

Rabbit and Monkey Rabbit and Rat
kittens playing against background of starry sky

Tertiary Trine Matches 2

Rabbit and Ox Rabbit and Snake
Sullen woman statue with roses on lap with decorative starry background

Opposition and Adversary

Rabbit and Rooster Rabbit and Dragon

Explore More Rabbit Relationships, News, and More...

Statue of a couple with male showing affection to a possible reluctant female with a decorative starry background

Rabbit - Relationship Horoscopes

Match the Rabbit with any sign from the Chinese zodiac.

Statue of two young men from a Vietnam war memorial with background of starry sky

Best and Worst Matches for the Rabbit

Explore the Golden Nine and Challenging Four combinations of the Rabbit with Western zodiac signs.

Statue of man reading newspaper on park bench with decorative starry background

Rabbit Celebrities in the News

Read the latest news about celebrities born in the year of the Rabbit .