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Leo Tiger and Sagittarius Horse

The cherished match of firstwest and secondwest blends with the similarly revered combination of the firsteast and secondeast—making this one of the most favored energy matches in the whole combined Western and Chinese zodiac.

Western Zodiac sign, Leo
Western Zodiac sign, Sagittarius

Western Zodiac

Leo and Sagittarius

Compatibility overview

This one of the most celebrated combinations in all of Western astrology. firstwest and secondwest are not only likely to share similar interests and values, but their ways of thinking and being can be deeply compatible. Given favorable conditions, this is a standout match for any relationship.

Leo and Sagittarius - Relationship Horoscope

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Although Western and Chinese astrology are fundamentally different, a key synergy between them is the pre-eminence of Trine combinations—signs that are four steps apart. In the Western zodiac, one such celebrated Trine match is the pairing of Leo and Sagittarius.

These signs share the element of Fire, the most intense, dynamic, and passionate of the elements. Leo's honor, ambition, and relentless pursuit of justice will appeal from the outset to Sagittarius' far-seeing, philosophical outlook. Sagittarius' commitment to idealism and harmony with the natural world will similarly inspire and resonate with Leo, who prides themselves on their integrity and love of beauty. In other company, these signs can both be somewhat overwhelming, such is the force of their personalities and the unapologetic strength of their convictions. How gloriously inspiring it can be, then, for them to discover in each other a like-minded compulsion to strive for the highest standards of endeavour, above all else.

Mutual enthusiasm, exhilaration, and admiration are all indicated early in this relationship. Over time, Leo and Sagittarius may find that their potential for collaboration and emotional support expand exponentially. Leo's Fixed modality, with its emphasis on productivity and achievement, forms a perfect transition into the reflective, Mutable energy of Sagittarius. Relations between these two thus conform to a natural cycle of realization to contemplation. Shared projects are likely to be completed fully and successfully, and then to serve as a platform for further stirring opportunities. Potential problems for these signs—vanity or disdainfulness for Leo, belligerence or overcommitment for Sagittarius—can usually be corrected by the generosity and encouragement of their shared connection.

There is no such thing as perfection in human relationships, of course, and challenging energy on the Chinese side could always throw a spanner into the works. However, irrespective of context, this is a justifiably prized connection, as promising as any in the Western zodiac.

Celebrity Leo/Sagittarius Pairings*

*Click on the names to see both Western and Chinese zodiac matches for that pairing.

Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult
Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult (click for attribution/s)

Jennifer Lawrence (8/15/1990, Leo Horse), Nicholas Hoult (12/7/1989, Sagittarius Snake) : The two actors became a high-profile couple after they started dating while co-starring in X-Men: First Class in 2010. They broke up around 2014. Lawrence was quoted in 2012: "[My boyfriend] is honestly my best friend, and hopefully I’m his best friend too. He’s my favorite person to be around and makes me laugh harder than anybody … We can eat Cheetos and watch beach volleyball and we turn into two perverted Homer Simpsons, like, 'Oh, she’s got a nice ass.' I never thought we’d have such different opinions on asses."

Iola Brubeck (8/14/1923, Leo Pig), Dave Brubeck (12/6/1920, Sagittarius Monkey) : The jazz pioneer and lyricist were married from 1942 until Dave Brubeck's death in 2012. They had six children. They collaborated multiple times, notably on the musical, The Real Ambassadors. Iola Brubeck has also been credited with developing a strategy to publicize and perform Dave's music to young college audiences during the 1950s, which proved transformatively successful. Iola once described the time before Dave achieved widespread recognition: "We learned to improvise in living; whatever place we could find to stay we stayed. We couldn’t afford the best so we learned how to use camping equipment inside a city hotel. We had sleeping bags and air mattresses...[F]ortunately, I think my background and Dave’s ranch background gave us sort of that, I don’t know, pioneer fortitude, I guess to [say,] okay, these are the circumstances, accept it and make the most of it. Make it work, it will work."

Jamie Lee Curtis and Michelle Yeoh
Jamie Lee Curtis and Michelle Yeoh (click for attribution/s)

Michelle Yeoh (8/6/1962, Leo Tiger), Jamie Lee Curtis (11/22/1958, Sagittarius Dog) : The two actors starred together memorably in Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022). Curtis' celebratory reaction made headlines around the world after Yeoh won a Golden Globe for her performance. When Curtis herself won a Screen Actors Guild Award for her role in the film, their relationship was again in the news after a celebratory kiss. Curtis said: "I kissed [Yeoh]?, Did I really kiss her? I love Michelle Yeoh. We love each other. We fell in love with each other. She's married. I met her husband in England, he's lovely. I also have a husband."

Bridgid Coulter (8/2/1968, Leo Monkey), Don Cheadle (11/29/1964, Sagittarius Dragon) : The two actors had been together for 28 years before marrying in 2020. They have two daughters. Somewhat tongue-in-cheek, Cheadle described in 2021: "[Marriage] came up a lot of time[s]. But every time, we were like, 'But we're already together?' [The accountant said], 'Yeah, but this is a better reason to be together.' Really, it's because our accountant proposed to us, I wish there were some big sweet romantic story, but the romance happened, you know, the first year."

Kathryn Bigelow and James Cameron
Kathryn Bigelow and James Cameron (click for attribution/s)

James Cameron (8/16/1954, Leo Horse), Kathryn Bigelow (11/27/1951, Sagittarius Rabbit) : The two film directors were married from 1989-1991. At the 2010 Oscars, they were famously in competition for the Best Director award—Bigelow for The Hurt Locker (2008), and Cameron for Avatar (2009). It was reportedly Cameron who recommended Bigelow direct The Hurt Locker. A decade later, Cameron said about Bigelow's win: "[F]or me to begrudge not only someone that I’ve loved and believed in winning the best director, but also the first woman... f—, man. Stand back. Let her have her night. We talked about it endlessly before and after. They wanted us to be co-presenters, but we looked at one another and said, 'We’re not going to play that game.' If I was sitting here now, however many years later, looking at an Oscar that could have been hers, I would be feeling like s—. I was very happy at how it worked out."

Christine Taylor (7/30/1971, Leo Pig), Ben Stiller (11/30/1965, Sagittarius Snake) : The two actors married in 2000 and have two children together. After separating in 2017, they reconciled during lockdown in 2020. Stiller described about their reconciliation: "I think we have a respect for the ways that we're similar and the ways we're different. And I think accepting that, you can really appreciate someone more because you're not trying to get them to change for you."

Sam Champion and Rubem Robierb
Sam Champion and Rubem Robierb (click for attribution/s)

Sam Champion (8/13/1961, Leo Ox), Rubem Robierb (12/1/1976, Sagittarius Dragon) : The weather anchor and artist had been together for several years before they married in 2012. Robierb has described: "Sam and I connected on every level early on. We have always connected on important social issues. As we have grown more as a couple, we enjoy tackling them together and being around like minds."

Whitney Houston (8/9/1963, Leo Rabbit), Robyn Crawford (12/17/1960, Sagittarius Rat) : The two friends were inseparable for much of the legendary singer Houston's life. Crawford described in her memoir, A Song for You: "We never talked labels, like lesbian and gay. We just lived our lives, and I hoped it could go on that way for ever."

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Chinese Zodiac sign, the Tiger
Chinese Zodiac sign, the Horse

Chinese Zodiac

Tiger and Horse

Compatibility overview

This is one of the most harmonious and dependable matches in the entire Chinese zodiac. The firsteast and secondeast share fundamental values, for both are highly motivated yet determined not to compromise their sense of honor and allegiance to others. Whatever the context, this relationship offers a brilliant mix of thrills, security, and impact.

Tiger and Horse - Relationship Horoscope

Read more about the TIGER and HORSE zodiac signs...

Read more about the LEO TIGER and SAGITTARIUS HORSE combined zodiac signs...

The Horse and Tiger pairing is a truly wonderful energy match, attracting both inspirational and profoundly stabilising energy in the Chinese zodiac.

The central concept underlying Chinese astrology is the four Trine Families. One of these families includes the Horse and Tiger (with their kindred spirit, the Dog). This family is bound together by spirited, righteous energy. They are driven to succeed, and willing to make all kinds of sacrifices to achieve their goals, yet they also aspire to noble values of egalitarianism and service to others. Early contacts between the Horse and Tiger thus often represent a true meeting of minds. Horse natives are rarely shy about putting their prodigious talents on show—their pioneering brand of razzle-dazzle will likely captivate the Tiger from first sight. Even quieter Tiger souls have a commanding presence, and their noble pronouncements tend to immediately impress and attract the freewheeling Horse.

As these two get to know each other better, the real magic can potentially take hold. The Horse and Tiger are each defined by an essential inner contradiction. They are dyed-in-the-wool independents, reluctant to defer to anyone else's vision or authority, yet they also feel forever incomplete without a trusted partner or inner circle. The great compatibility between the Horse and Tiger means that somehow their respective needs for autonomy bring them together instead of wedging them apart. These two can comfortably spend time at a distance, or intensely challenge or confront one another, and the connection between them will only grow stronger as a result. Indeed, as is typical for Trine Family matches like this one, it is the evergreen nature of this combination that sometimes represents its greatest risk. For this kind of precious connection can sometimes seem too natural, too effortless, to be worthy of total commitment.

If the Horse and Tiger trust and invest in the power of their shared energy, then whatever the context, their relationship can be a once-in-a-lifetime source of belonging, adventure, and potency.

Celebrity Tiger/Horse Pairings*

*Click on the names to see both Western and Chinese zodiac matches for that pairing.

Salma Hayek and François-Henri Pinault
Salma Hayek and François-Henri Pinault (click for attribution/s)

François-Henri Pinault (5/28/1962, Gemini Tiger), Salma Hayek (9/2/1966, Virgo Horse) : The actor and business entrepreneur had a daughter together in 2007 and have been married since 2009. In 2021, Hayek was quoted as saying, "When there is conflict, we put all the energy in solving the problem - never finding who to blame or 'You should have done this or that.' No, all our energy goes into: 'How do we solve this?'"

Pauletta Washington (9/28/1950, Libra Tiger), Denzel Washington (12/28/1954, Capricorn Horse) : Married since 1983, the Washingtons have four children together. Denzel Washington has described: "The difference between a house and a home, it’s a big difference. You can buy a house, but that doesn’t make it a home—and not to say a man can’t make a home a home, but my wife has made our house a home, and raised these beautiful kids, and protected them and sacrificed for them. She did the heavy lifting."

Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner
Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner (click for attribution/s)

Christine Baumgartner (3/4/1974, Pisces Tiger), Kevin Costner (1/18/1955, Capricorn Horse) : The actor and model/designer were together from around 2000 until Baumgartner surprised many by filing for divorce in 2023. They married in 2004 and have three children. Costner said in 2018, "Fear kept me from marrying Christine. I woke up and thought, Am I going to lose a beautiful woman who is willing to be with me to my very last breath because I am afraid to say yes to a child? That’s all it took. Sometimes you learn the thing you’re most afraid of will save your life."

Rande Gerber (4/27/1962, Taurus Tiger), Cindy Crawford (2/20/1966, Pisces Horse) : The supermodel and business entrepreneur have been married since 1998 and have two children together. Gerber has said about the relationship, "We started as friends and we remained friends. You have to just keep that friendship and fun in the relationship."

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson (click for attribution/s)

Robert Pattinson (5/13/1986, Taurus Tiger), Kristen Stewart (4/9/1990, Aries Horse) : The two actors became household names as stars of the Twilight film series. They dated between around 2009 to 2013, and for a time were one of the most famous celebrity couples in the world. Stewart continues to speak positively about Pattinson and their relationship. She has described: "When me and Rob were together, we did not have an example to go by. So much was taken from us that, in trying to control one aspect, we were just like, 'No, we will never talk about it. Never. Because it’s ours.'"

Jackie Sandler(9/24/1974, Libra Tiger), Adam Sandler (9/9/1966, Virgo Horse) : The two actors have been married since 2003 and have two daughters together. About his critically-acclaimed performance in the film Uncut Gems (2019), Adam Sandler said: "My badass wife, she gave me the balls to take the part. I was scared and she said, 'Go [expletive] do that and you can do that [expletive]' and we rehearsed together all the time."

Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder
Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder (click for attribution/s)

Stevie Wonder (5/13/1950, Taurus Tiger), Aretha Franklin (3/25/1942, Aries Horse) : The two celebrated musicians shared a longtime close friendship. After Franklin died in 2018, Wonder described visiting during her final days: "[Franklin] wasn't able to speak back, but her family felt that she could hear me, and so I just said all the things that I've always said and told her to say hello to my sister [Renee Hardaway] that I lost this year as well...She was just consistently a great human being, and she always — even with whatever turmoil may have been happening in her life, even through her illness — she did not put that on anybody else. She believed, I think that most of all she was doing God's work, and she was. She brought joy to others' lives, and she will — her voice and the essence of her will long [out]live all of us that are here right now."

Kirstie Alley (1/12/1951, Capricorn Tiger), John Travolta (2/18/1954, Aquarius Horse) : The two actors starred memorably in the Look Who's Talking films and formed a close friendship. Alley described later: "I almost ran off and married John. I did love him, I still love him. If I hadn’t been married I would’ve gone and married him and I would’ve been in an airplane because he has his own plane…He's a very generous person. He's very interested. If you ever talk to John, and this is genuine with him, you will become the most interesting thing that he's ever met in his life."

Combined Relationship Horoscope

Final Words

The single greatest synergy across Western and Chinese astrology is the pride of place given by both to Trine combinations. In this relationship, the Western Trine pairing of firstwest and secondwest unites with the Chinese zodiac Trine pairing of firsteast and secondeast. Thus good fortune and harmony encompass these two from both sides, creating limitless potential in any context for intimacy, nourishment, inspiration, and dependability. Simply as good as it gets.

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