horizon astrology banner image with composite nebula formations

Western Zodiac

Western Zodiac sign, Leo

About Leo

Leo represents the age of the fully mature human adult. Leos thus tend to be proud, ambitious, resolute, and powerful. Embodying the Fixed and most productive modality of the element of Fire, Leos are usually astonishingly capable in their chosen fields. They have unerring faith in their vision of all that is worthy and desirable. Towards others, they can be infinitely generous or loftily dismissive, depending on whether their high standards of honor are met. Leos may occasionally be vulnerable to high-mindedness and vanity. But for the most part, they are simply worthy of praise and delighted to be properly recognized.

Leo Celebrities*

*Click on the name to go to the Wikipedia entry for that celebrity.

This is a random selection of celebrities born in the year of the Leo. Refresh the page to see another random selection!

James Cameron
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James Cameron (08/16/1954)
Kacey Musgraves
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Kacey Musgraves (08/21/1988)
Charlize Theron
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Charlize Theron (08/07/1975)
Ben Affleck
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Ben Affleck (08/15/1972)
Mick Jagger
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Mick Jagger (07/26/1943)

Compatibility and Leo

On the Western zodiac side, the most traditionally compatible signs for Leo are the harmonious Trine signs, Sagittarius and Aries, and the transformational Opposite sign, Aquarius. Leo also shares lovely, relaxed energy with the Sextile signs of Libra and Gemini. Check out the details and some examples of these matches at the links below.

two women back to back against background of starry sky

Opposite Match

Leo and Aquarius
two birds nestled together against background of starry sky

Sextile Matches

Leo and Libra Leo and Gemini

Perhaps less obvious, but with plenty of potential, are the signs Leo shares a minor aspect with—the semi-Sextile connections of Virgo and Cancer, and the Quincunx connections of Capricorn and Pisces—and of course, kindred natives of Leo. Finally, there are the Square matches of Scorpio and Taurus, which can be more challenging but equally rewarding.

bird and reflection in water merging into background of starry sky

Own-Sign Match

Leo and Leo
one woman with head on another woman's shoulder against starry sky

Semi-Sextile Matches

Leo and Virgo Leo and Cancer

Explore More Leo Relationships, News, and More...

Statue of a couple with male showing affection to a possible reluctant female with a decorative starry background

Leo - Relationship Horoscopes

Match Leo with any sign from the Western zodiac.

Statue of two young men from a Vietnam war memorial with background of starry sky

Best and Worst Matches for Leo

Explore the Golden Nine and Challenging Four combinations of Leo with Chinese zodiac signs.

Woman reading French newspaper, with decorative starry background

Leo Celebrities in the News

Read the latest news about Leo celebrities.