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Gemini Sheep and Aquarius Rooster

Brilliantly harmonious energy between firstwest and secondwest is neatly complemented here by the usually kindly and respectful, if somewhat distant, pairing of the firsteast and secondeast on the Chinese zodiac side.

Western Zodiac sign, Gemini
Western Zodiac sign, Aquarius

Western Zodiac

Gemini and Aquarius

Compatibility overview

This is one of the most auspicious matches in the entire Western zodiac. With highly compatible ways of seeing the world, especially a shared love of ideas and freedom, firstwest and secondwest are as complementary as two signs can be. The sky is the limit for these two in whatever context they meet.

Gemini and Aquarius - Relationship Horoscope

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Trine relationships, where signs are four steps apart, are beloved in both Western and Chinese astrology. For Aquarius and Gemini, the Trine interval means they share the element of Air. Air is the most highly cerebral and sociable element. Hence there is every chance these two will hit it off immediately, sharing witty banter and their mutual love of ideas from far and wide.

Aquarius is an intellectual at heart, with an endless interest in universal truths and wisdom. Gemini will likely be enthralled, not only by the subjects dearest to Aquarius' heart, but by the logical and rationalist way in which Aquarius' mind works. Aquarius will find similarly appealing the breadth of Gemini's interests, especially their fascination with travel and cultural diversity. Freedom—conceptual and physical—will likely prove especially fertile common ground for this pairing. Gemini's instinctive desire to explore and experiment with individual identity knits beautifully with Aquarius' tendency towards unorthodoxy and eternal acceptance of others.

Over time, the spontaneous harmony between these two can be expected to become ever deeper and richer. Gemini's reflective Mutable modality—always asking, What comes next?—forms a natural complement to Aquarius' Fixed energy, with its focus on real-world accomplishment. Hence these two are natural collaborators, encouraging each other when they speak directly, and fostering a supportive environment simply with their presence and attitudes. Affection, spoken and unspoken, may prove effortless in this combination. The challenges for Air signs, which can be fickle or bitter when stressed or rejected, are unlikely to surface much here at all.

In short, this is as fortuitous as any match in Western astrology, and may prove a blessing in whatever context Aquarius and Gemini encounter one another.

Celebrity Gemini/Aquarius Pairings*

*Click on the names to see both Western and Chinese zodiac matches for that pairing.

Ellen DeGeneres and Anne Heche
Ellen DeGeneres and Anne Heche (click for attribution/s)

Anne Heche (5/25/1969, Gemini Rooster), Ellen DeGeneres (1/26/1958, Aquarius Rooster) : The entertainer and actor dated between 1997 and 2000 and for a time were one of the most famous lesbian couples in the world. Heche (who died in 2022) described later: "This wasn’t a long-term love affair. This was a moment in my life when I was given the glory of being able to stand up for what I believe in and have since I was a kid."

Megan Thee Stallion (2/15/1995, Aquarius Pig), Normani (5/31/1996, Gemini Rat) : The singers teamed up for the track 'Diamonds' from the Birds of Prey soundtrack and have developed a strong friendship, with Teen Vogue describing: "Within the three years since they first met, they have become inseparable — or, as inseparable as two people could possibly be with superstar schedules."

Björn Borg and John McEnroe
Björn Borg and John McEnroe (click for attribution/s)

Björn Borg (6/6/1956, Gemini Monkey), John McEnroe (2/16/1959, Aquarius Pig) : The former professional tennis rivals, who played epic Wimbledon finals in 1980 and 1981, have developed a lasting friendship. McEnroe has described: "I think the best part for me personally is that Björn and I still get along. I think he is the only one of my rivals that I actually got along with. Everyone else, I was fighting all the time."

Jim Belushi (6/15/1954, Gemini Horse), John Belushi (1/24/1949, Aquarius Rat) : The two brothers achieved lasting fame for their respective achievements in films and entertainment. The death of the elder John Belushi at 33 in 1982 has been described as the "defining trauma" of younger Jim Belushi's life. In an interview, Jim remembered a trip they took to the Russian baths when he was 21: "The steam’s coming through the pipes, and a guy comes up with a bucketful of soap and starts smacking me with a bunch of oak leaves. Then John puts me in a cold shower, and I’m just standing there, naked. He takes some shampoo and washes my hair. That moment to me was like: 'This guy loves me.'"

Carey Mulligan and Marcus Mumford
Carey Mulligan and Marcus Mumford (click for attribution/s)

Carey Mulligan (5/28/1985, Gemini Ox), Marcus Mumford (1/31/1987, Aquarius Rabbit) : The singer and actor married in 2012 and have two children together. They knew each other as childhood pen pals, exchanging letters through their church. Mulligan has said that they still write to each other sometimes when apart: "Love letters are becoming a lost art form, which is very sad. To have a love letter from someone, to hold it in your hand and know you can keep it for your whole life, that's an amazing thing."

Kylie Minogue (5/28/1968, Gemini Monkey), Michael Hutchence (1/22/1960, Aquarius Pig) : The two legendary Australian musicians were romantically involved between 1989 and 1991. Minogue later described: "Sex, love, food, drugs, music, travel, books, you name it, he wanted to experience it. As his partner I got to experience a lot of that as well. If you're a sensual being, all of your senses need stimulation. He definitely awakened my desire for things in my world."

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Chinese Zodiac sign, the Sheep
Chinese Zodiac sign, the Rooster

Chinese Zodiac

Sheep and Rooster

Compatibility overview

Falling in the middle ground, between the heroes and black hats of the Chinese zodiac, is the mixed-bag combination of the Rooster and Sheep. These are two very different signs, who at times may be nonplussed or frustrated by one another, yet who are also capable of a deeply caring, admiring, and rewarding connection.

Sheep and Rooster - Relationship Horoscope

Read more about the SHEEP and ROOSTER zodiac signs...

Read more about the GEMINI SHEEP and AQUARIUS ROOSTER combined zodiac signs...

Like the elements in Western astrology, the four Trine Families of the Chinese zodiac divide naturally into two streams. The families of the Rooster (with the Ox and Snake) and Sheep (with the Pig and Rabbit) fall into different streams. However, while there are some potentially upsetting combinations between these two families (e.g., the Rooster and Rabbit, or the Sheep and Ox), the Rooster and Sheep are less affected by the surrounding tension. In fact, these two are often drawn together by important synergies.

The always on-point Rooster has an incredible ability to represent and respond to the zeitgeist, while the artistic soul of the Sheep responds with rare sensitivity the social needs and moods of their environment. Hence these two often find themselves in spirited discussion about contemporary affairs, sharing critical perceptions and impressions, in an atmosphere of intense learning and appreciation. Indeed, such exchanges can prove hugely motivating for both signs. The Sheep's insightfulness can inspire the Rooster to shake off self-absorption in favor of productivity, while the Rooster's drive to understand and impact cultural moments may channel the Sheep away from distractions towards accomplishment. Indeed, in measured doses this combination can do wonders for the confidence of both signs, and promote genuine selflessness and warmth.

Underlying tensions are perhaps most likely to reveal themselves in some jarring personality differences, and problems reaching mutual understanding. The Rooster typically exudes strength and robustness, whereas the Sheep is one of the Chinese zodiac's most peace-loving and impressionable signs. With extended contact, the Sheep could feel increasingly overwhelmed by the Rooster's sheer forcefulness, while the Rooster may have the impression of walking on eggshells. The Rooster has quite the appetite for drama, whereas the Sheep needs relaxation and harmony to avoid getting stressed. Without some respite, time spent together could devolve into the Rooster mostly talking loudly to and about themselves, while the Sheep becomes quietly preoccupied finding things to be anxious about.

Fortunately, the different characteristics of these signs are usually obvious, and they may become quite adept at giving each other the space they need for the relationship to work successfully. With suitable strategies in place, the benefits here could be reliable, sustainable, and wonderfully nourishing in any context.

Celebrity Sheep/Rooster Pairings*

*Click on the names to see both Western and Chinese zodiac matches for that pairing.

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden
Nicole Richie and Joel Madden (click for attribution/s)

Joel Madden (3/11/1979, Pisces Sheep), Nicole Richie (9/21/1981, Virgo Rooster) : Musician Madden and media personality Richie have been together since 2006, and married in 2010. They have two children. Speaking in 2014, Richie described: "We met and we were partners from Day 1. And from the second we found out we were going to be parents together, we looked at each other and we said, OK, both of our parents are divorced, we both have had ups and downs with our parents, and we don’t really have a strong example of what a healthy family life is. But we’re recognizing that now and so, let’s work at it and let’s go through this together as a team and it’s been great."

Addison O'Dea (6/15/1979, Gemini Sheep), Minnie Driver (1/31/1970, Aquarius Rooster) : Actor Driver and film-maker O'Dea have been in a relationship since 2019. In 2022, Driver described: "[Addison loves me] better and more fully [than anyone ever has]. We have the most hilarious and wonderful relationship on all these different levels...Of course I would wind up with a person who, in his own words, the reason he doesn’t want to get married is: ‘Why would I want to be in a throuple with the state of California?’… he’s like: ‘I don’t want to institutionalise love.'...[For me,] I don’t need to be formally married, but I would like a celebration of the ritual, I like that."

Mac Miller and Ariana Grande
Mac Miller and Ariana Grande (click for attribution/s)

Mac Miller (1/19/1992, Capricorn Sheep), Ariana Grande (6/26/1993, Cancer Rooster) : Singer/actor Grande and rapper/producer Miller were close friends and collaborators, who also dated between 2016 and 2018. They worked together on songs including, "Baby, It's Cold Outside" (2012), "The Way" (2013), "My Favorite Part" (2016). In a statement after Miller died tragically in 2018, Grande described: "I adored you from the day i met you when i was nineteen and i always will. i can't believe you aren't here anymore. i really can't wrap my head around it. we talked about this. so many times. i'm so mad, i'm so sad i don’t know what to do. you were my dearest friend. for so long. above anything else. i'm so sorry i couldn't fix or take your pain away. i really wanted to. the kindest, sweetest soul with demons he never deserved. i hope you're okay now. rest."

Andrew Dominik (10/7/1967, Libra Sheep), Nick Cave (9/22/1957, Virgo Rooster) : Musician Cave and film director Dominik have been friends going back to the 1980s, when Dominik began dating Cave's ex-girlfriend. They have collaborated on two documentary films about Cave's life and work, One More Time with Feeling (2016), and This Much I Know to Be True (2022). Speaking about the former film, which addresses the trauma of Cave losing his fifteen-year-old son Arthur in a tragic accident, Dominik described: "That movie was a practical response to a practical problem...[Cave] realised that at some point he’d have to promote the record he was working on. How the f— was he going to do that without talking about Arthur?...I understood what he meant, so his idea was to make a film...What Nick has to say is very simple. You see him groping in all kinds of directions in One More Time With Feeling, but it’s not a million different paths – it’s one path. That’s the one we show in the film. When something like that happens to you, there’s no response but complete authenticity. People respond to authenticity with authenticity. All of a sudden you’re in this together and it makes you love your fellow man. It will happen to all of us."

Ed Sheeran and Stormzy
Ed Sheeran and Stormzy (click for attribution/s)

Ed Sheeran (2/17/1991, Aquarius Sheep), Stormzy (7/26/1993, Leo Rooster) : Singer/songwriter Sheeran and rapper/singer/songwriter Stormzy share a close friendship, and have collaborated on songs including, "Own It" (2019), and "Take Me Back to London" (2019). From the stage at a concert in London, Stormzy described in 2022: "This is my best friend in the whole world. [Sheeran]'s been there for me through ups and downs. From day one. Ed, I just wanna say, I love you, brother." In 2021, Sheeran said, "Stormzy is the most good-hearted successful person I know that genuinely is overjoyed for my success. I can't take that for granted, because I don't have many friends who are famous musicians. I have lots of acquaintances and lots of people who I hang out with, but I would class Stormzy as a brother."

Mick Jagger (7/26/1943, Leo Sheep), Bianca Jagger (5/2/1945, Taurus Rooster) : The Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger and human rights advocate Bianca Jagger were married for seven years in the 1970s. Reflecting on the marriage in 1986, Bianca described: "[Mick has] a wonderful sense of humor, that I can understand no matter what...I mean, he could be stabbing me in the back, but he can make me laugh while he does it."

Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson
Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson (click for attribution/s)

Kate Hudson (4/19/1979, Aries Sheep), Goldie Hawn (11/21/1945, Scorpio Rooster) : The two actors are mother and daughter. They have frequently expressed love and respect for each other in public statements. Asked about Hawn's supposed reputation for being "difficult" to work with, Hudson described in 2023: "[Hawn] had to really fight for a lot of these movies to be made [and] was seen by a lot of people as difficult and complicated because she had a point of view. She decided to tell people that told her to stay in her lane to go f— themselves and basically started producing her own movies, which wasn’t happening at the time...I saw her strength. I saw her conviction. She’s so determined. I mean she’s really unbelievable. She was on the cutting edge of this and she never gave up. Twenty years now and she’s finally getting her sort of kudos for what she’s been creating but she doesn’t let up. I don’t even know what I must’ve done in a past life to be born to her as a mother."

Combined Relationship Horoscope

Final Words

A Trine combination, one of a very small few who share perfectly harmonious elements and modalities, firstwest and secondwest are born allies who can usually be trusted to engage, excite, and depend on each other from the get-go. The pairing of firsteast and secondeast provides a more equivocal influence, one based more on particular affinities between their characters than general good fortune, which can be more conducive to admiring comrades than bosom friendship. Overall, though, the superb influence of firstwest and secondwest creates the conditions for all kinds of successes here.

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