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Western Zodiac

Western Zodiac sign, Aries

About Aries

The Western zodiac represents a life cycle beginning with the Northern vernal equinox around 21 March: the start of Aries. Hence Aries are the zodiac’s forever infants. Their character is analogous to the early years that form the most intense time of learning in a human’s life. Ruled by the planet Mars, Aries are dynamic, wilful, eager, with a compelling innocence and sense of wonder. All three Fire signs are celebrated, and sometimes feared, for the flame-like aspects of their character—their cherished light and warmth, spellbinding visual appeal, and sheer incendiary power. The Cardinal modality of Aries represents Fire at its most pure and combustible, an initiating force of unparalleled intensity in the Universe. This powerful drive for action and attention naturally comes with a countervailing risk that Aries may overextend themselves, putting themselves or others in danger, or getting swept up in egotistical furies or fantasies. In turn, Aries’ child-like inclination means feelings of neglect or frustration can draw them into maudlin sulking or pettiness. Given favorable circumstances and company, however, the passion and courage of Aries natives is the stuff of legend. Perhaps no other sign is capable of matching Aries’ blazing physical feats, stirring leadership, or visionary idealism.

Aries Celebrities*

*Click on the name to go to the Wikipedia entry for that celebrity.

This is a random selection of celebrities born in the year of the Aries. Refresh the page to see another random selection!

Robin Wright
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Robin Wright (04/08/1966)
Mariah Carey
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Mariah Carey (03/27/1969)
Luke Evans
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Luke Evans (04/15/1979)
Pharrell Williams
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Pharrell Williams (04/05/1973)
Gregory Peck
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Gregory Peck (04/05/1916)

Compatibility and Aries

On the Western zodiac side, the most traditionally compatible signs for Aries are the harmonious Trine signs, Leo and Sagittarius, and the transformational Opposite sign, Libra. Aries also shares lovely, relaxed energy with the Sextile signs of Gemini and Aquarius. Check out the details and some examples of these matches at the links below.

Perhaps less obvious, but with plenty of potential, are the signs Aries shares a minor aspect with—the semi-Sextile connections of Taurus and Pisces, and the Quincunx connections of Virgo and Scorpio—and of course, kindred natives of Aries. Finally, there are the Square matches of Cancer and Capricorn, which can be more challenging but equally rewarding.

bird and reflection in water merging into background of starry sky

Own-Sign Match

Aries and Aries
one woman with head on another woman's shoulder against starry sky

Semi-Sextile Matches

Aries and Taurus Aries and Pisces

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Aries - Relationship Horoscopes

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Woman reading French newspaper, with decorative starry background

Aries Celebrities in the News

Read the latest news about Aries celebrities.