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Combined Western and Chinese Zodiacs
Virgo Horse

Western Zodiac sign, Virgo
Chinese Zodiac sign, the horse

About Virgo

Sixth in the sequence of the Western zodiac is Virgo, the great problem-solver. This sign is equivalent to the years around age 40, when the frivolities of youth are put aside in favour of a clear system of organization for the future. Virgos are motivated by coordination, logistics, planning. They tend to be extremely goal-oriented. They are brilliant at saving money and managing their calendars, learning new skills, or setting up environments where everything has a place and can be located when needed. As an Earth sign, Virgos usually focus on physical realities rather than abstract matters, although the Mutable quality of Virgo gives them a keenly analytical, reflective side. At times, Virgos may be too rigid in their need for structure, making them appear inflexible, even domineering. They can also see selective disclosure as key to their schemes, which may breed resentment if others feel left in the dark. Most Virgos, however, have little difficulty applying their awesome problem-solving skills with dedication and generosity. Families and businesses with Virgos in their midst are often among the happiest and most successful in the zodiac.

About the Horse

The seventh sign in the Eastern zodiac is the dazzling Horse. (Legend has it that fear of a cemetery caused the Horse to slow to a snail's pace during the Jade Emperor's race.) The Horse is by nature a performer: bewitching, idealistic, and fearless. Skilled orators with energy to burn, Horse natives are comfortable in any role where they are free to captivate an audience, from sports to the theater to politics. Above all else, the Horse craves independence. These free spirits are famously more intellectual than emotional. Indeed, they can occasionally be accused of insensitivity or selfishness. But given physical and emotional freedom to indulge their expansive personalities, they can be breathtaking performers, inspirational rebels, or—like that most famous of Horses, James Dean—both.

Virgo Horse Celebrities*

*Click on the name to go to the Wikipedia entry for that celebrity.

Swizz Beatz
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Swizz Beatz (09/13/1978)
Salma Hayek
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Salma Hayek (09/02/1966)
Adam Sandler
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Adam Sandler (09/09/1966)
Elizabeth Debicki
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Elizabeth Debicki (08/24/1990)
Kobe Bryant
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Kobe Bryant (08/23/1978)

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