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Combined Western and Chinese Zodiacs
Taurus Rabbit

Western Zodiac sign, Taurus
Chinese Zodiac sign, the rabbit

About Taurus

In the Western zodiac life cycle, Taureans represent the last years of childhood and the beginning of adolescence. They have a simultaneous sense of growing independence and awareness of vulnerability. Gaining and protecting one’s own possessions is critically important for Taureans. So too is demonstrating their physical capabilities in play and love. As the Fixed modality of the Earth element, Taureans work tirelessly to safeguard what they have and build productively for the future. This can sometimes lead to quite reasonable accusations of stubbornness. However, their innate constructiveness means Taureans are often surprisingly accommodating in the interests of the common good. Ruled by Venus, this sign also has a profound aesthetic sensibility, a keen sensitivity to beauty and human achievements.

About the Rabbit

Fourth in the sequence of the Eastern zodiac is the quintessential aesthete, the Rabbit. Equally at home in abstract and material realms, the Rabbit is a born creative, their commitment to beauty and truth matched by their artist's eye and surgeon's dexterity. They are well known for their achievements in high arts, but are just as capable of working their magic in sports or business. Central to the Rabbit's identity is their peaceable, idealistic outlook. While they can be relied on for wise counsel and tactful diplomacy when relaxed, the great sensitivity of Rabbit natives means they have little stamina for drama or pressure. They will tend to withdraw or escape rather than suffer upheaval or confrontation. In a comfortable setting, however, the sensuality and virtue of the Rabbit is one of the Eastern zodiac's great treasures.

Taurus Rabbit Celebrities*

*Click on the name to go to the Wikipedia entry for that celebrity.

Andy Murray
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Andy Murray (05/15/1987)
Sabrina Carpenter
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Sabrina Carpenter (05/11/1999)
Killer Mike
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Killer Mike (04/20/1975)
Christina Hendricks
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Christina Hendricks (05/03/1975)
Harvey Keitel
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Harvey Keitel (05/13/1939)

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