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Combined Western and Chinese Zodiacs
Leo Monkey

Western Zodiac sign, Leo
Chinese Zodiac sign, the monkey

About Leo

Leo represents the age of the fully mature human adult. Leos thus tend to be proud, ambitious, resolute, and powerful. Embodying the Fixed and most productive modality of the element of Fire, Leos are usually astonishingly capable in their chosen fields. They have unerring faith in their vision of all that is worthy and desirable. Towards others, they can be infinitely generous or loftily dismissive, depending on whether their high standards of honor are met. Leos may occasionally be vulnerable to high-mindedness and vanity. But for the most part, they are simply worthy of praise and delighted to be properly recognized.

About the Monkey

Ninth in the Eastern zodiac is that complex genius, the Monkey. This sign is brilliantly imaginative, sparklingly witty, and roguishly playful—often, all at once! Ever on the lookout for opportunities to apply their startling abilities, Monkey souls are celebrated the world over for their virtuosity, and the infinite variety of their talents. The Monkey sign does tend to need more stimulation than most. If their skills are not occupied, they are apt to make their own fun, which can make others feel like playthings rather than equals. This year is also surprisingly prone to isolation and disillusion, often so well masked by apparent energy and versatility that the Monkey suffers in secret. Fortunately, however, the Monkey's lively banter and flirtatiousness means they are rarely alone for long. Their natural inquisitiveness and tenacity enables them to bounce back quickly from challenges, and to return to the incredible feats of ingenuity that are their trademark.

Leo Monkey Celebrities*

*Click on the name to go to the Wikipedia entry for that celebrity.

Funkmaster Flex
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Funkmaster Flex (08/05/1968)
Demi Lovato
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Demi Lovato (08/20/1992)
Gillian Anderson
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Gillian Anderson (08/09/1968)
Peter O'Toole
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Peter O'Toole (08/02/1932)
Jacinda Ardern
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Jacinda Ardern (07/26/1980)

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