Combined Western and Chinese Zodiacs
Leo Dragon
About Leo
Leo represents the age of the fully mature human adult. Leos thus tend to be proud, ambitious, resolute, and powerful. Embodying the Fixed and most productive modality of the element of Fire, Leos are usually astonishingly capable in their chosen fields. They have unerring faith in their vision of all that is worthy and desirable. Towards others, they can be infinitely generous or loftily dismissive, depending on whether their high standards of honor are met. Leos may occasionally be vulnerable to high-mindedness and vanity. But for the most part, they are simply worthy of praise and delighted to be properly recognized.
About the Dragon
The fifth and only mythical sign in the Eastern zodiac is the awe-inspiring dragon. So desirable are the traits of the Dragon native that birthrates are known to spike throughout Asia when a Dragon year arrives. Folk born under this sign are true movers and shakers—captivating, exuberant, and proud. They tend to be physically robust, and can often seem to have a Midas touch, they are so good at anticipating and attracting good fortune to their causes. The lives of Dragon souls are rarely calm. They can have a polarizing effect on those around them, and are sometimes so tempestuous and hard to tie down that they leave a trail of disappointment in their wake. But even enemies are likely to secretly admire these stunning creatures. For nowhere is the Dragon more comfortable than center stage, and in their triumphs they reflect their glory onto anyone and everyone who bears witness.
Leo Dragon Celebrities*
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