Combined Western and Chinese Zodiacs
Leo Dog
About Leo
Leo represents the age of the fully mature human adult. Leos thus tend to be proud, ambitious, resolute, and powerful. Embodying the Fixed and most productive modality of the element of Fire, Leos are usually astonishingly capable in their chosen fields. They have unerring faith in their vision of all that is worthy and desirable. Towards others, they can be infinitely generous or loftily dismissive, depending on whether their high standards of honor are met. Leos may occasionally be vulnerable to high-mindedness and vanity. But for the most part, they are simply worthy of praise and delighted to be properly recognized.
About the Dog
Eleventh in the Eastern zodiac is that most loyal and honorable sign, the Dog. These determined souls never shrink from hard work or a worthy cause. They are direct in speech and action, and tend to be physically impressive and strong. They take great pride in the wholesomeness of their values, especially their tireless commitment to the underdog. Those born in the year of the Dog will not hesitate to advocate publicly for the ideals or people they believe to be right. Usually loath to appear vulnerable, these earnest folk can be more prone to anxiety than others realize. Their worrisome nature may manifest as inner turmoil, or in flashes of anger, especially when they feel a need to defend those close to them. In working through such challenges, however, these dedicated souls can rely on their matchless perseverance. It is hardly surprising that many people of this sign become true pioneers in their chosen field, and trusted providers of lifelong love and friendship.
Leo Dog Celebrities*
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