Combined Western and Chinese Zodiacs
Gemini Rat
About Gemini
Geminis personify the third period of the Western zodiac, the mid- to late-teens, when the mature adolescent asserts their independent identity. Thus Geminis prize liberty, adventure, and excitement above all else. Ruled by Mercury, a planet associated since Roman times with speed and flight, these are the zodiac's most dedicated travelers. Equally, Geminis are fascinated by freedom of thought, how the expression of ideas enables assertions of individual identity. The element of Air is always cerebral and social, and Gemini's Mutable modality represents Air at its most flexible and adaptable. Hence Geminis are more likely to vacillate between inspiring concepts and possibilities than to exhaust themselves for a singular cause. This changeability sometimes leads to accusations of fickleness or a lack of staying power. Yet the dual essence of Geminis, represented by the twins, gives them an enviable flexibility and a keen appreciation for a valuable partner.
About the Rat
The first creature in the Eastern zodiac, who according to legend triumphed in the Jade Emperor’s race by hiding in the ear of his dear friend the Ox, is the Rat. As charming as they are beguiling, Rats are famously rapier-witted, shrewd, and financially astute. They are the wordsmiths of the Chinese zodiac—Shakespeare was a Rat, after all—but equally appreciate the value of secrecy. They are likely to excel at any role involving judicious disclosure or confidentiality. Above all, they are ingenious in their ability to anticipate and strategize, skills that often last them long into peaceful old age.
Gemini Rat Celebrities*
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