Combined Western and Chinese Zodiacs
Cancer Tiger
About Cancer
The fourth sign of the Western zodiac, Cancers are forever imprinted with the time of early adulthood. Like a twenty-something beginning to make their own way in the world, Cancers find their attention continually shifting inward. On the physical plane, this manifests as a priority to establish and care for their own home and family. On a more abstract level, it means a fascination with individual identity, empathy, and the formation of close personal bonds. As with all three Water signs, Cancer has a natural variability, a tendency to hide away at times in darkness, yet at others to fill the horizon like an ocean. As a Cardinal modality, Cancer represents Water at its most essential, fluid, reactive. Thus Cancers are sometimes accused of being easily disturbed, yet when at peace they can enter effortlessly a rich dreamworld, filled with compassion, sensitivity, and reflection.
About the Tiger
Born in the third year of the Eastern zodiac, Tiger souls tend to be dignified and courageous from birth. In many respects, their nature reflects the majestic reputation of their namesake animal. While they can be effective leaders in a group context, they tend to be no less impactful alone. Whatever their situation, a Tiger's powerful self-belief and independent spirit make them fearless in pursuit of justice and innovation. To be sure, Tigers are sometimes rightly accused of volatility. They can be vicious when they think others need cutting down to size, and may charge headlong into more risks than is good for them. These are no "shrinking violets" or "yes people"! This sign can also find it hard to strike a healthy balance between periods of frantic activity and sloth. But it is in their nobility and devotion to others that the true worth of the Tiger reveals itself. For beneath their usually impressive skills, visual appeal, and high-minded ambitions, there lies a deeply caring soul, capable of legendary honour and self-sacrifice.
Cancer Tiger Celebrities*
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